
Take full advantage of the power of cloud

PQR SpaceHub is your hub to the cloud. An intelligent hub that is vendor- and cloud-independent, creating an integrated and flexible IT environment. Whether it's public or private cloud, legacy infrastructure and solutions, SaaS, IaaS or PaaS, with SpaceHub, PQR takes the complexity out of your IT environment and brings peace of mind in return. Rest to work, grow and innovate.


Safe & controlled to the cloud

The organization expects IT to be flexible, agile and responsive to changing needs. Dependence on IT is increasing and IT itself is becoming more complex. Because of a fragmented IT landscape, which is more difficult to manage and secure, due to an ever-increasing range of services and products but also the rapid development of new technologies. All these factors prevent companies and their employees from working more efficiently within clear structures and deprive them of the opportunity to focus fully on core business. It also prevents them from innovating, something that is actually essential for survival these days.

PQR helps companies take the steps to the cloud securely and in a controlled manner, at their own pace. With SpaceHub, PQR offers a modular hybrid multi cloud platform for consulting, implementation and management of modern workspace and data center solutions.

SpaceHub is vendor agnostic, that way we ensure that no one becomes dependent on a single vendor. The PQR CTO Office continuously looks at the best of breed, paying attention to the balance between price and quality.

Curious about the opportunities of SpaceHub for your organization?


Companies are eager to increase the scalability, capacity, agility and flexibility of their IT environments to be more efficient and have a clearer structure for both data center and workplace environments. Deploying cloud technology as a solution can help in the desired efficiency and structure. Cloud offers flexibility and agility, as resources can be purchased on-demand and on a per-per-use basis. Cloud also offers the possibility of outsourcing some of the management to the cloud provider by purchasing services as-a-service. This significantly simplifies management. Often, though, with the note that existing legacy services and environments can also continue to function within this.

Chances are that, in choosing a cloud strategy, companies are caught in a split. So how should they choose a hybrid strategy, where they can both leverage the benefits of cloud environments and safeguard their legacy environments? Which cloud is best suited for our organization, Private Cloud or Public Cloud? Which provider should we choose? Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services? What services do we need? How do we migrate to the cloud? How do we set up management? And how do we ensure that we stay in control and continue to get the most out of the cloud?



Tijdens de Inventarisatiefase brengen we de huidige omgeving in kaart en bepalen we samen de eisen rondom belangrijke thema’s als beschikbaarheid en veiligheid voor uw workloads, applicaties en infrastructuur.

Daarna start de designfase, waarin we het ontwerp en de cloudarchitectuur bepalen. Ook maken we een transitieroadmap met deelprojecten, waarbij we rekening houden met uw prioriteiten, quick wins en het verandervermogen van uw organisatie.


In de transitiefase bouwen we uw nieuwe IT-omgeving op volgens onze bewezen projectaanpak. Vanaf de start van deze fase nemen uw volledige infrastructuur in beheer en verplaatsten we workloads gefaseerd naar de cloud. Daarbij voeren we direct optimalisaties door, zodat de omgeving vanaf dag 1 kostenefficiënt en beheersbaar is.

Tijdens de beheerfase wordt het beheer verder ingericht volgens de ITIL en SIAM-standaarden. De consultants van PQR regelen incident-, change- en problemmanagement in, alsmede performance- en capaciteitsmanagement.
In de optimalisatiefase identificeren we verbeteringen en voeren deze in afstemming met u door. Bijvoorbeeld om de performance te verbeteren of de kosten te verlagen. Zo blijft u ervan verzekerd dat het platform optimaal blijft aansluiten op uw behoeften.
Met PQR SpaceHub is nu een stevige basis voor toekomstige innovaties gelegd. Vanuit deze basis komen we in de innovatiefase en werken we samen aan het vergroten van de meerwaarde van IT. Een transformatie van uw bedrijfsvoering, het doorvoeren van innovaties, het implementeren van slimme apps – de kansen en mogelijkheden bespreken en prioriteren we met elkaar. En natuurlijk kunt u op PQR rekenen bij de implementatie daarvan. Zo ontzorgen wij u gedurende de totale lifecycle.


    Modular hybrid multi-cloud infrastructure

    We help clients with complex transformations of their IT. For this purpose, we developed SpaceHub. SpaceHub offers a modular hybrid multi-cloud infrastructure,  complemented by transition and management services. This ensures that not only does your transition to the cloud go smoothly, but also that your infrastructure continues to function optimally after this so that your employees can work comfortably.

    Legacy solutions

    Within SpaceHub, there is also a role for existing legacy environments. After all, for many companies, saying goodbye to their (on-premises) legacy infrastructure and solutions is not yet feasible because certain applications or workloads cannot or are not allowed in the cloud due to laws and regulations. PQR fully integrates these legacy solutions, including the applications, within SpaceHub and uses its years of experience to ensure that everything is interoperable with each other.

    Innovative and independent

    SpaceHub is your hub to the cloud, taking away the complexity for you. Through the hub, we continuously unlock new innovative services, which you can purchase as part of SpaceHub. The SpaceHub solution is vendor- and cloud-independent, offering you a solution that is always best suited to your specific needs. With SpaceHub services, we relieve you throughout the entire lifecycle of your IT infrastructure.


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    In SpaceHub, PQR uses best practices to best support companies from different industries. Based on these best practices, companies can choose from a set of predefined Solutions within the SpaceHub platform, curated from products from our partners, tech leaders such as Aruba, Citrix, HPE, Microsoft, Nutanix and VMware.

    With Backup and Disaster Recovery as a Service, your organization is optimally protected against data loss and you will have the data and information back within the shortest possible time after a disaster.
    Learn more about Backup and Recovery.

    Being able to work securely anytime, anywhere?

    The latest on SpaceHub